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Prise de parole - Qatar 2023



I'm currently in my 3rd year of a Bachelor's degree in Sport Management at Win Sport School. In my early days of kitesurfing, it was always essential to go all the way with my studies, a choice that required me to make sacrifices to combine sport and studies. But it's a decision I don't regret.

T H E  B E N E F I T S

Studying at the same time as a sporting career is well worthwhile. It has made me more professional over time. My studies help me to build my career correctly, to avoid making certain mistakes, to understand them better so as not to repeat it, and to learn more from them.


I would like to continue my studies by going for an online master's degree which will give me much more freedom in my sport to achieve my goals, better manage my training and my career.


Being a sportsman is good,

being a qualified athlete is even better!


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